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The Old Mans Figments

The Old Mans Figments

By John Charles watt

The Old Mans Figments.....a last stroll through Persley Den

29 January 2012 at 17:38PublicFriends (+)Friends except acquaintances (+)Only me (+)Custom (+)Close Friendsmy friendsSee all lists...jake and budsSelf employedGordon HighlandersWesthill, Aberdeenshire AreaFamilyAcquaintancesGo Back

PublicFriendsFriends except acquaintancesOnly meCustomClose Friendsmy friendsSee all lists...jake and budsSelf employedGordon HighlandersWesthill, Aberdeenshire AreaFamilyAcquaintancesGo Back

The old man grew weary..he sat at his typewriter for the last time..

The years hung heavy on his shoulders..all his memories had finally wore him down..

The struggle..the strife..the grief..lost friends..lost loves..he had reached the end of the road..

His old life was coming to an end..

All his neighbours and friends were already gone..

He was lost in haunted memories..

His beloved prefab was coming down soon..

No more laughing more drinking with his mates..

He couldnt handle it!..He sat at his typewriter for the last time..

He started battering his keys on his old typewriter..he was going to let the Figments go before he left..

They had been his companions for a long time now..his friends..they couldn't make up for his last years but they had helped..

He hammered away...

First out was Fee Fumm..a beautiful wee fairy..he had conjured her years before..

In the old mans world she sat on his shoulder wherever he went..strolls along Persley Den..cold walks along the shoreline..

Down by Seaton Park..she was always there..

Along the meandering paths of life..she had been there a long time now.

She sat on his shoulder and watched him type.

Next to appear was Wee the old mans eyes Wee Billy was himself as a small child who grew up to quick..

They had shared many an adventure..climbed mountains..swam the seas..flew the sky-ways...chased the eagles..what fun they had.

Fee Fumm and Wee Billy now sat on his shoulder watching..The old man hammered away again..All his Figment friends were now here..dozens of them..all conjured up in the old mans head over the years..

Fee Fumm the fairy ,Wee Billy,Max the cheeky one, Sammy the snitch..the old man had written stories about them all these years..

Now it was time to let them go..the sadness was shared by them all..they knew the old mans time had come..

He stood up to go..

His Figment friends all stood silent..

The old man was heading for Persley Den..the scene of many of his stories..His old bones creaked as he started walking slowly out of his old prefab..

The Figments seemed to form a procession behind him..none of them spoke..

They had enjoyed their outings with the old man over the years but knew the end was near.

He reached Persley Den after a painful walk ..his bones were finished..

His wee Figment friends felt his pain, the tears were falling from them all....

He walked slowly along by the side of his woods..

The old man found his favourite log..facing the moon..

The stars were out and the moonbeams danced..

The ghosts of his childhood waved..

Maxie..Bobby..Liz..Josie..all sat beside him..none spoke..

All the old mans Figments were all here..they formed a circle round him..

He wept..closed his eyes and drifted away.

He drifted towards the moonbeams..all the Figments and creatures of the night grieved as one..all wept..

He was found next morning cold and frozen..smiling but long gone, on his favourite log..

The beautiful spot had saw another sad soul drift..

Nobody could understand why the ground around him was flattened as if by little feet..

But they say that if you go down to Persley Den on a moonlit night you can sometimes, ..if you are quick, see all the Wee Figments still dancing on moonbeams...hoping for the old man to come back...He did!..but thats another story..

Author Notes: can be expanded..

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About The Author
John Charles watt
About This Story
19 Feb, 2014
Read Time
3 mins
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