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The Child In The Drawer

The Child In The Drawer

By Simon Cowell

The Child in the Drawer
A Mother laid her sleeping child gently in the drawer
That was normal as times were hard just after the war
Tick Toc...
The little girl dressed in a grey pinafore
Long ringlets of golden hair, eyes of blue now off to school
Time Passes
Little girl on Grandmothers knee all cuddled in and warm again
Her ear hurt but Grandmothers words and hugs took away the pain
How she loved her Grandmother
Tick Toc
School years are over and the girl is grown tall and slim
A kindly girl who must go to work, there was never much money
But lots of love
Time Passes
Mother and Father look on with pride, people smile at the Beautiful Bride
The June day is warm and bright, everything in her world is alright
Tick Toc
On her journey to a far off land her soldier husband holds her hand
Adventures await this special pair but this is something they will share
Time Passes
Then two become five as their children arrive, and the woman looks on with pride
At her daughter who makes such a beautiful Bride
Tick Toc
The woman holds her Grandson on her knee
All cuddly and warm by the fire
How she loves this Grandchild of hers
And now she’s a Grandmother of two, a sweet little girl who plays with her shoe
Wonderful days full of sweetness and light and yes her world is alright
Time Passes
The woman looks out of her window and watches the people pass by
The faces she sees are the faces she knew of long ago
The people we were and the people we are
And the child in the drawer is ME
By June Cowell

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About The Author
Simon Cowell
About This Story
24 Apr, 2014
Read Time
1 min
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