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CosmicRevenant is from US United States • 29 y/o


I've always loved science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories, of any medium. I own dozens of books, films, and video games that tell fantastical stories, all of which have influenced and inspired me to write to the best of my ability.
My primary literary influence is Clark Ashton Smith, whose volume of work I hope to match someday. Additionally, Ray Bradbury has been crucial to my work as well.


Birth Year
Star Sign
19 May, 2016
Last Visit
4 years ago
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3 from 1 reviews
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4 from 18 reviews

Latest Stories by CosmicRevenant

Skewed (Proof of Concept)
At the time of writing this I have not slept in awhile and this is the result of that sleepless delirium. Hope you enjoy it. Just a basic concept that I'll expand upon if someone has interest.
3 mins
Words: 703
Read Time: 3 mins