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... sticky end... (Purdey, Symes and Wright - part 15)

... sticky end... (Purdey, Symes and Wright - part 15)

By PeterHunter

… sticky end… (Purdy, Symes and Wright - part 15)

Peter Hunter

'Purdey you pest…
… you bad, bad cat…' I think somehow I had annoyed Dad and all I wanted was to find out what he was eating - hoping it was scrambled egg with cheese on top and that he would give me some…
… it was his own fault what had happened - if indeed he was complaining about what I assumed I was being blamed for… All I wanted to do was to find out what he had on the tray he was foolishly balancing on his knees whilst looking at Susanna Reed on BBC1. If he ate at a table like any civilised person such accidents would never happen…
'… no breakfast for you… You've gone too far this time.' He bellowed…
All I had done was to jump from the floor onto the back of the sofa…
… or at least that had been my intention - but lazily, instead of doing it in one leap - I decided to use his leg as a staging post… I missed and accidentally my front right paw went into the full bowl of marmalade…
… leaping out I trailed sticky marmalade over the leather sofa - then across the carpet whilst I made my escape…
… with both of my humans shouting at me…
'Bad - bad cat…
… naughty, naughty … naughty.'


© Peter Hunter 2012

Peter Hunter's full-length works are available on Kindle

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About This Story
2 Aug, 2012
Read Time
1 min
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