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Bus Stop

Bus Stop

By awesomewriter8521

"Ava are you ready?" "Yes mommy.". Hi! I'm Ashley White. I am a stay at home mom.I am 34 and am married to Logan White. Logan is 35.Logan is a doctor. I have 2 daughters. Ava and Mindy. Ava is now 14. Mindy is 13. I will share the story of Ava Lilly White. One word for Ava. One word to describe Ava. Wonderful. Here is Ava's story.

Ava is 7 at the time and Mindy is 6. "Ava and Mindy time for breakfast! CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES!" In one second I heard them run down the stairs. They both said " Hi mommy and daddy!" "Hi girls!" I said. Logan was out at work. I sat them down at the table. They ate them fast. It was 8:30 am. I had to get them to school. I made their lunch's and got their backpacks ready. "TIME FOR SCHOOL!"

We walked down to the bus stop. Ava forgot her backpack. She ran across the street without looking. The bus ran over Ava. I cried. Mindy fainted. She awoke though. I ran over to Ava. She wasn't breathing. I called 911. They got there in 5 minutes. It was too late. She was gone! I had to call Logan. He didn't take it well. He cried and said "NO! This cant be happening! AVA LILLY WHITE 2000-2007

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About This Story
23 Mar, 2014
Read Time
1 min
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