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Doll Hair-escape

Doll Hair-escape

By djreed7100 - 1 Review

Yep I am in the dumper. I just got divorced. My landlord's cheating me a few hundred a month at least, and I just recently contracted lymes disease. That is where I am now. I have been struck down with a virus. I've been beaten quite handedly by an invisible opponent. A nurse found the affliction's point of origination, just under my shoulder blade, right side. I could not even check in the mirror to see the cause of my weakness. I bet contortionists would have difficulty doing that. Well I suppose I just would have needed another mirror in conjunction with the routine bath room reflection. If your thinking in the likes of a hemorrhoid, you got it. You can't get at it. Maybe it would help if you were to think just the opposite. Say, instead of a fungus. It's a thousand dollars. And and your on welfare. You will somehow, miraculously find it.

Advance two days and here I am asleep on the couch at noon at noon! Excessive sleepiness, headaches, and body aches are a few of the symptoms of this dirty virus. They forgot informing you that you feel like a schlep because you don't even know what hit you. Also the tendency to practice your magical powers with mirrors is a side effect. If I just had smoke I'd be fine, damn! Afterr all, everything is Smoke and mirrors

You can throw in traumatic brain injury on top of this Lymes disease. My alcoholic ex is stopping by every few days claiming that my dog Otis is her dog too. A regular claim of hers, 'you were my dog to' aimed at Otis is a regular reminder that she is a bit nutty. She cry's this out through drunken tears, she is a three bottle a day wine drinker. All the while she performs her drunken scene, she holds her new dog, who is barking incessantly. Which in turn forces Otis to bark incessantly. I must leave this town or my head will explode soon. That is medically true, I think.

I want to go somewhere and start a new way of life, who doesn't? That's just it, I have to face the facts. I can't I just cruise down the road leaving my troubles in the dust? Why not? Seems perfectly harmless and in fact, useful. I'd cut my drinking bill down that way. Sleep meds too. I'd like to drive a 66 Camaro, the same Jim Morrison drove with an eight-trac player. That would solve most any problem. Put Obama and Putin in that ride, a few doobs(joints) and a bottle of something and wa-la, world peace!

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11 Sep, 2014
Read Time
2 mins
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5.0 (1 review)

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