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By someoneyoudontknow

He's not the type of guy you would ever want. He's not that so good looking, doesn't have that white skin you get easily attracted to, he's fat .. and small too. He's underestimated, weird, so serious and silent, hard to understand and he doesn't have much friends. Well, he's presentable anyway, smart, talented, simple, loving, true to his words, and sweet lover. He may be silent but he's got a lot to say. He is more than any other guy you would ever meet. He gave me a little hope to standout in class. Ever since I met him, I am always inspired going to school, learning and doing my requirements. I'm a smart person but I don't give much attention to my requirements. I was a war freak but he changed me. Looking back two years ago, I did change a lot. Before, I was the type of girl who doesn't care much about her looks, loves to get in to a war, too lazy to do projects and really, that girl in my past is someone you won't like. But then when I met this guy over here, I seem to notice his cuteness though he's not that so attractive. Everything started with a joke. I never intended to fall. We knew each other better as the time passes by. He knew about my feelings for him all because of my very GOOD SECRET KEEPER friends. Well, that didn't change our friendship. Yes, we stayed friends though it's awkward that he knows that I have my feelings for him. But as the time goes by, he did confess that he likes me back. Now, we have mutual feelings for each other. Did I mention that he's a mysterious guy? Yep, he is. He is not visible. Serious and silent? No! I was so wrong. He may look like it but nope. Not so good looking? Wrong again! Cause I swear they really have to go to the doctor and have their eye checked up. He's undeniably handsome! Black beauty it is. Well, I don't care if he gets fatter. He's a little bit taller than me anyway. And yes, he's WEIRD. Imperfectly perfect weirdo. He is just a simple guy who changed me. My imperfectly perfect crush.

Author Notes: I am not a good writer so yeah..

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11 Jul, 2014
Read Time
1 min
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