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Left Cheek Dimple

Left Cheek Dimple

By chocpol

The Girl with the Left Cheek Dimple 

She looked at me and smiled. There she is again, this innocent pretty faced girl who look so dearly and lovely. She’s so fine that looking at all the angles of her seems so cute. She is truly an apple of the eye. Just like a beautiful landscape that an immediate stare would make you adore it eternally. She is truly a masterpiece of beauty by the Divine Creator’s hand. An epitome of what is perfect.

I now have this weird feeling for her. A feeling that even I haven’t figured out what it was at that time. All I know is that I like her and wanted to be with her always. She would bestow an involuntary smile on my face and would make me feel glad just by the sight of her. I am an avid fan of her. A fanatic of her beauty. I adore and admire her; her looks, her intellect, her humour, her personality, and her as a whole. She as she is. 

Staring at her lovely face is the new fad that I am into now. I would gaze at her for quite a few minutes until she then realizes it. A smirk would then appear at her face and a dimple at her left cheek.  This is the precise moment that I am most captivated into. If only I could stop the world and look intently at her eyes for like forever, I would. If only I could stroke those soft pinkish lips, I would. If only I could hold her hands and grip them as if they were mine to posses, I would. If only she was mine, I would treasure her each and every single day. But she’s not.
For a quite some time that we’ve been together as a friend I started to know her. I’ve known some simple details of what she likes and what she doesn’t, just like dipping on a pure soy sauce instead of a sauce with a vinegar and kalamansi mix. She prefers a lime soda like Sprite than a Cola drink. She loves banana cue rather that a fried sweet potato. She hates her cream coloured Practice Teacher Uniform. Drinking alcohol and other bar beverages is not a liking of her. She has one of the funny laughs I have ever heard. She has a really good humour. She is so unarguably beautiful. These simple yet important details is what makes her as who she is. 

In order to know someone, we need to spend an ample amount of time with them. Learn to listen and appreciate every single thing she has to offer. Her time and even when she laughs at your jokes. And make her appreciate life and the way how her parents and the people around who loves her so much and are willing to sacrifice anything for their lovely children to acquire a good life. And that she may understand they are very protective of her for the reason that they wouldn’t want any harm to come near her for she is so precious and loved.

Days passed and my feelings for her changed. It is not the same feeling of liking her as a friend and a companion anymore, it is way more different. I do like her and wanted to be with her every tick of the time we have left. I like adore and like her and not in a friendly way but in a more complicated manner. Complicated, because of the situation that I am into know which she is aware of. 

I do not know what the future brings but one thing that is important for now is to let her know the feelings that I have for her. I just wanted to let her to know how much she is being appreciated by someone. That a certain guy is madly into her and wanted to take good care of her and make her happy for every single minute of her life. To make her laugh until she’s out of breath, to walk her and talk about people and how the things around them are. This particular guy wants her to know that her existence gives a lot of meaning into his life, just by the thought of her grants gladness into his heart. 
That this girl is one of the awesome and beautiful things that ever happened to him. 
She.  Her.  Caryl.

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28 Feb, 2015
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3 mins
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