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My Love Story But Horrible Ending

My Love Story But Horrible Ending

By Shey143

It was two months in fifth grade and I really really liked this boy and I never told him so I just pretended I liked a different boy that I use to like but that wasn't the case. We were best friends so that made it harder , when it was around "Halloween" One of my best friends told me that he liked me too. So I got up the courage and told him I really really like him  and he said "Me too". We started talking a lot like regularly because were best friends but people thought we were dating because I'm whole class found out we liked each other do it made it awkward. We would text on kik but I didn't have a tablet or phone so we made a plan to text around 4 or 3 am so when my dad gets home I would sneak in there room and get my dads phone just to talk to him. We texted at least until one of us would fall asleep again. He made me fell so different he changed mostly a lot of me. We went to Christmas break and we talked mostly everyday for like 6 in the morning till 8 or 9 pm in night. Even tho I spam him he didn't think I was annoying but u introduced him to my online friends he was nice to them until he kept spamming us and he got annoying so I stopped talking to him. When Christmas break was over we went back to school but we didn't talk at all until a month later . I still liked him I just thought he was kind annoying  for a while. But I didn't know he kinda liked him best friend for a while but I didn't know until almost the end of school. Before any of that we started liking each other again I was so happy. We went back to our old best friend talks and I keep having dreams about him for a while and he did too , I was  really weird but I didn't care. He would make fun of me for making this face that he calls the "Baby Face". So the nickname he give me is "Lil Girl" I didn't really care what he called me I still liked him but my feelings grower more than liking him I started loving him and he did too. One of my friends dared us both to kiss each other on the cheek and he did it , it was about weird but I really really liked it . I felt his kiss on my cheek for a few days now we started oovooing each other that's a video chat thing time to time. Around March I was dared to kiss him in the lips and I didn't it, we kissed about 3 time around that month.  the end school we have a party in school we kissed at least five times and I was so happy but I was sad we couldn't see each other anymore.

We texted each other everyday and oovoo three or two times a week we talked about how much we missed each other and asked a a lot of questions .
We talked about how we got fake married and he would call me wifie and I would call him hubby we just talked and talked till July.
I found out we weren't going to the same school I so crashed and heart broken me stopped talking to me for a while until I texted him 
                 Me: Hey sorry I haven't talked to for a while
                Him: Its okay and I don't wanna talk to you anymore don't ask why because idk why
                Me: * heart broken*

This is my story and I'm still waiting till I can have him back or not......

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About This Story
19 Sep, 2015
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3 mins
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