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"Just another boy"

"Just another boy"

By mindful_ideas

Long ago she conformed to this world: to its expectations and society. Unfortunately though, this twisted society, did not have much to offer to such a wild heart and bold soul. It brought the poor girl to a point, where she thought something was the wrong with her. Since she felt this was, she thought that's why she couldn't find a true friend. No, it's because she was letting others take control of her and tell her what was right and wrong. She looked to conform to this world, for she thought she would find true bliss; Likable, popular, and many friends. It wasn't what she planned, they were never true to her like she had hoped. 

Now, she found herself a true best friend. No, he is not popular, not athletic, and has a super weird humor. Yet, he has brought a new horizon. He is the reason she can only see people past their flaws and see the greatness of their hearts. The one who gave her the self esteem she needs, and a supporter through her troubling times. He is her best friend, as well as a brother. 

He gave her the advice to not see herself as "just another girl," but as "Danielle." 

I am Danielle, because of the miracle God sent me, my best friend.  Danielle will never see him as "just another boy," but as "Garret," until the day she dies. I promise. 

Author Notes: -Dedicated to one of my dearest friends, Garrett-

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About This Story
17 Sep, 2015
Read Time
1 min
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