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The lonely boy

The lonely boy

By bdrijo

One day there was a boy who loved his girlfriend. The boy was really honest, respectful, responsible, and care for his love for his girlfriend. The next day the boy went to his girlfriend house and asked her if she love to go for a school party. Then, the girl said "I won't be there because my mom is really sicked and I need to stay whit her". So the boy said " okay maybe next time". Then, the girl said "okay". That night the boy went to the party whit his friends. They were dancing, drinking, and having so much fun. Few mints later the boy cellphone rang. His mother was call him for joint her and his father for the dinner. So the boy went to dinner whit his family. When he arrived at the restaurant. He saw his mother and father was waving for him, but when he looked he saw his girlfriend whit another guy, The boy was really sad and he did not attend the dinner whit his family. The next day the boy when to his girlfriend house and talked whit her, then the boy said to her "Your the one I was love most,  care most, honest whit you all the time we talked, I give you all my trust, respectful, and every time you called my name I always there for you, i did everything you say all the time but when you turned every good thing I do for it was really stupid because I did not lied to you but you lie to me. Few year later the girl and her new friend was broke-up. Then, the girl remember the boy who was love her the most of the time. When the girl go to the boy house he already dating some other girl who is very honest whit him, and care for there love. Finally the only thing the girl do his regret.....

Author Notes: real relationship is about the eyes does not cried, mouth that won't lied, and hearth that won't break.

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About This Story
12 Dec, 2014
Read Time
1 min
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