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The Person Who Hides

The Person Who Hides

By Nessie19

I'm the type of person that doesn't show my feelings.
I'm the type of person that is afraid to show people who I really am.
I'm the type of person who takes things to the heart.
So when someone says something about me, thats hurtful.
I believe them.
I'm the type of person, that shows they are happy.
But really I'm dying inside.
I'm the type of person who thinks about others before myself.
I'm the type of person who is hurting inside but I still put on a show.
I'm the type of person that doesn't show their love to someone.
But hides it from them because I'm scared my heart will get broken.
I'm the type of person that is shy infront of people I don't know.
But once I am comfortable around them I'm crazy and loud.
I'm the type of person that pushes people away when they get to close.
I'm the type of person that hates themselves more then anything in the world.
I have scares inside and outside.
I'm the type of person who is scared to show their true self.
I'm scared that if people knew the real me, they would leave me.
I'm the type of person that listens to any type of music.
Even if its in a different language and I have no idea what they are singing about.
I'm the person who is in the corner hiding from the world.
I'm the person who is waiting for someone to see me.
Is waiting for someone to save me.
Is waiting for someone to hold me.
Is waiting for someone to love me.
I'm the girl that is naive to the world and how it works.
I'm the girl who is hurting inside.
I'm the girl who loves to dance, sing, read and write.
And yet I'm the person who hides.

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About This Story
15 Sep, 2015
Read Time
1 min
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