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You Don't Know

You Don't Know

By sadstory

You don’t see
You never will
I should take just one more pill
Maybe even slit my wrist
Pretend you care that I exist
Kill myself so I’ll be gone    
To you I’m just another pawn

You don’t care
You never could
But I’m not saying that you should
If I am worthless, then so are you
No one knows what I’m going through
Everybody is unique
 But your main quality is that you’re weak

You don’t hear
Because you don’t try
I think I just hit the bull’s eye
You make me just so sick
You’re the devils walking stick
You’re now hated by everyone
Say good bye to all your fun

Maybe you don’t catch my drift
But this is the end of all of this
No more playing your stupid games
All I’m saying is Good-bye James
You have caused me so much pain
I loved you once but not again

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About This Story
9 May, 2015
Read Time
<1 min
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