Beautiful Scars Part 9

By Black Sheep

(Bailey's pov.)

The woman getures for us to sit, we do.

"What day was it?" Her voice is calm like she is asking me what I want for lunch, not about the day I was raped, but this sets me at ease.

"May 13th of last year. I-I went to a party with my bayfriend, of the time." She nods, writing this done in her little notebook.

"What was his name?" Braidy holds my hand aqueezing it tight between his two. "Josh Baker." The name flows out of my mouth, stinging along the way.

"And the boys who raped you?" I freeze, shaking.

"The entire soccer team." She looks at me,"all eleven players." I nod.

"Thank you for coming forward we will finally be able to put these boys away."

"There is something else," I say. Voice shaky....

Author Notes: Not done yet.

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