By Valerie_Da3s0n

He stood up and put his hand in his pocket “Precious ... I don't know why you are the rank 1... as long as I want to rematch now”

"But there is no host or referee" I yelp while crosiing my arms

"Don't worry, Richard and Kimberly will took a video of us." I looked at the two and they really had a camera.

I looked straight into Clody's eyes and yelled “No .. you really want to be rank 1 even though you are the son of the owner of the company? Please indulge! " The three of them applauded and got high five ... looks stupid! Clody smiled “Let's start!”

I took off my hoodie and pony tail and got them ready for video. Clody and I went into the ring and were ready to make our way to the bell.


Suddenly Clody punched me in the face and knocked me down causing me to have a headache. “WOOOHHH !! First time Enoy falls down! ” Richard shouted.

I stand up again preventing the headache "What the?" I asked Clody a question. He just smirk it and kicked me into my tummy.

'Shet! Why am I doing this? ' I stand up again and ready position ... I'm just about to punch his head but he just dodged; my head is spinnging like wtf?!

'Wait isn't because of coffee?'

"Sleep tight, Enoy" softly but then Clyde suddenly kicked my knee and kicked me in the face and it started bleeding.

Before I lost consciousness, I saw the three clapping and Kimberly called Stephanie and Anastasia “Yes, you rank 1 just got lockdown spin hahaha”

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