Black Souls

By JustNicoleValiukas

Glittering, glowing
Just like your eyes.
Where are we going?
It's a surprise.
Your gaze on me
In the dim night.
Staring fiercely,
Squinting, moonlight.
Lean a little nearer,
Gage my reaction.
Features become clearer,
Fatal attraction.
You try to intimidate.
That is clear.
But you're MY bait-
And have no idea.
My eyes, they gleam
Black and I laugh.
You beg, scream.
I lunge, starved.
They find you
The next morning.
Knife behind you,
Head the warning.
But what terrifies
Is your eyes.
Black, oh yes.
Just like mine.
Frozen, so sweet,
In unblinking doom.
Across the street,
A human costume.
It is me
They find the blue
In my eyes, you see.
And so would you,
Miss the black underneath.
Because, you see,
It resides in you, too.

Author Notes: Still hanging in there...

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