Combat Unit


It took a whole company to put him down. Ken stared with anxiety at the shattered mobile combat suit and the man lying half-seen and lifeless within. The weary looking marine sergeant clutching his M4 rifle moved beside Ken. "There's more where he came from Sir" he squinted in the bright sun as he spoke to the lieutenant. "How many do we have left?" Ken asked the sarge. Distant booming sounds seemed to draw near from the east of the city as Ken stared at the dirt covered soldier. "Just five men sir, two of them injured and no armor support, and we're running low on ammo. This doesn't look good sir. That one soldier of theirs just about slaughtered us with his armored suit and energy weapons sir. "
We're going to lose this city, Ken thought. He looked back at the armor, it's red star symbol staring back at him from the armor's broken chest. They were good at making iPods, but Ken never thought it would go this far. He could almost make out the tiny print at the wrist of the armor, below the unit's serial code: People's Liberation Army Made in China. 

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