Come and Find Me
HudaFatimaWith my screen playing my favourites
and a cup of caffeine
I usually think of nothing
But here came my tears flowing
like a loose knob in a shower
Dropping on and making me shiver
Breaking me into unbearable sobs
with no one around to hug me and tell me that ‘it’s okay’
I fixed another cup with my face drenched in my own tears
I begged it to stop and all it did was drown my heart
I looked around in haste and fear
And turned to my crude words
So here I’m, My Darling!
writing to you with a hope and a distance of ‘I don’t know yet’
But I hope you are out there, somewhere there!
Or who else will dry my tears
Or hold me close and kiss away my fears
I’m tired and have lost hope to despair
Oh ! I hope to god that you are really out somewhere there
Because, maybe you will be able to make it all go away
That maybe, it will hurt less with you here
That maybe, you will let me lean on you
That maybe , loving you will fade all this pain
Maybe !
I don’t care if it’s not going to be Chanel or Gucci or Vouitton
All I need is you to hold me in good of times and bad
To tell me stories of your sad time and joys
To have you home and to care
So hurry up Honey!
Come and find me
And I promise to love you with all the insignificant and gracious me
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