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By Paigelearned

The first day i met you... you were tying your shoes. I felt like the world was good again. gentle and totally understanding of me.
The days that we hung out together and joked together can never be replaced by the new memories that keep making its way inside my head. I remember your smile and laugh. The times we had that were so enjoyable. My dreams and mind were filled with imaginations about what we could do together. Everywhere i went I'd hope that you were with me. I never told you how i felt about you. I remember the last day of school. We were all just goofing off. I never really knew if u were leaving but you did. I can never forget you because you always made me smile. I will always remember you but i know i should forget you. Forgetting is hard to do. When you left... my life was unbearable. You didn't even say goodbye. I knew that there wasn't anything at all. Who was i kidding? But still, it hurts to know that someone you cared about just leave out in shreds. Through the year, i found a great church. The people welcomed me and were sympathetic. When you left me in ruins i was picked up my a greater love. Now i know that God will get me through anything. He is the only one that will be there for me no matter what. He helped me get on with my life. Jesus Christ my SAVIOR. Get to know him by reading the BIBLE.

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About This Story
3 Nov, 2010
Read Time
1 min
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