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BookNerd123Black Sheep
1 Review

I see the way you look at me and the way you look at her. I know what you think of me; useless, lying, horrible, boring. I know you think I am a disappointment but that is okay. I know what I want in life and I don't need your help to get it. You can think of me as a disappointment for now because one day I will prove you wrong.

I am not perfect but I am me. I cannot be anything else and I am okay with that. You need to get your head out of my ass and focus on yourself. You have things to do, kids to raise, but you seem occupied with me. Am I getting in your way? Then find another path.

You can be proud of her all you want because I do not need your approval. I relish in the thought of letting you down because your face looks so funny when I do. You have no idea how happy it makes me to be a disappointment to you. If I was anything but a disappointment to you then I would not be me.

One day you will see that all along when you were busy telling me exactly how much of a disappointment I am to you, I was busy working at being me. My job in this world is not to please you or anyone else. I am only here for a short while and I am going to use the time I have for myself.

Step aside so I can make you even more disappointed. I stopped caring what you thought of me a long time ago, so shout it from the rooftop, because I don't give a fuck. You are just another stepping stone on my way to success.

I am glad to be a disappointment because I am just being me.

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
25 Feb, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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