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Euphoric Dysphoria - Part 2
Euphoric Dysphoria - Part 2

Euphoric Dysphoria - Part 2

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He laid down quietly in his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Nights like these bothered him. No way to sleep, nothing to do. He looked at his watch, reading 10:34 pm, and sighed. He was wearing a black tank top and boxers, his hair lying underneath him messily. He did feel good about one thing, though, and that was being smooth. He had recently shaved and lasered away the hair on his body, except for his eyebrows and head hair, and it felt amazing to him. He pulled out his phone and started to scroll through it aimlessly, trying to get himself tired enough to fall asleep. After a while he groaned and pushed himself up, stretching before walking towards the bathroom.

He leaned over his bathroom counter and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked tired, his black and blue eyes staring back through the glass. He smiled slightly, showing off one of his filed, k-9 teeth, and his eyes flickered a small bit to a light pink before going back to blue. He stepped away from the mirror for a moment before nodding to himself, confident. Walking to his bedroom again and opening his dresser, Icarus slipped on a pair of way too tight skinny jeans. He wiggled around in them for a second, noticing how they hugged his hips and how long it had been since he had worn them.

He pulled his hair back in a ponytail as he walked towards his closet, flipping through jacket after jacket, looking for something that would feel comfortable. After settling on a black turtleneck sweater, he slipped it on over his tank top and went into the bathroom again, looking at himself for one last moment, grabbing his wallet and keys off of the counter and putting them in his pocket. He walked out of his room and down a flight of stairs into the living room, taking a sharp left and walking into the garage.

He looked down at his Varun-Alum Athena , a little sports car with a black and dirty gold paint job and a slim, rustic, angular bodystyle. The headlights curled around the sides slightly to look like a predator’s eyes in the night, and it’s tinted windows gave the appearance that it was it’s own being, nobody behind the wheel. He stepped down and opened the door, sitting on the black and red leather seat, putting the key inside and turning on the Athena. It rumbled quietly to life and the interior lights and heads up display came on, with a small jingle the garage door opened as well. Icarus took a hold of the wheel and pressed the pedal, pulling out of the garage and onto the open road.

Artillery shells exploded overhead as heavy rain poured over the battalion’s heads. A group of soldiers crowded around a nearby howitzer, loading the heavy 250mm shell into the breech of the cannon, slamming the door shut, and stepping back and to the side. As the artillery commander pulled the massive cable connected to the beast, they fired the round with a deafening bang, the recoil making the howitzer roll backwards a dozen feet on its wheels. Through the mud, the soldiers moved to push the cannon inch by inch back into position. This cycle happened all across the line, creating a concerto of roaring artillery spanning a mile and a half across the edge of the enemy lines. In the distance, the smoking silhouette of New Khizov sat tall.

They were fighting the ESF, a group of communists that had been at war with the Aznian colonies before the ARWGs rose to power. Their job now was to finish off their age-old enemy. The ESF now sat on the edge of an old city, not their capital, but it was large enough to be one. The ARWG land forces had been here for a week, pelting the defensive line and the city itself in a siege. The air forces sat above in low orbit, dropping shock troopers into the line to assist when needed, yet they couldn’t move as far as they needed, as the ESF still had mass anti-air batteries inside the city that needed to be addressed. However, bomber squadrons attempted to fly overhead and below the AA battery’s radar to pelt the enemy line in hundreds of thousands of large bombs. The PK9 bombers, the largest bomber the ARWG fielded, thundered overhead as another barrage of shells screamed.

Icarus stood behind the artillery battery, a small comms headset covering one of his ears, the other plugged with a protective earplug. He wore a solid black leather coat and hat now, not the green and black of a Senior Operator. He was a Field Officer, back then, commanding part of the 197th Howitzer Division of the 9th Army. His partner was a person named Oliver, a tall, handsome nonbinary person with jet black hair, a sharp jaw, and soft, blue eyes. They looked the part of a paper pusher, someone who worked logistics and equipment instead of combat, but Oliver was smart and cunning. They knew what to do in sieges and frontline combat. Icarus and Oliver had a very close friendship. They trained together in preparation for the ESF counteroffensive. They were roommates, then artillery commanders, and now they were Field Officers together.

Oliver’s voice crackled over the comms network and into Icarus’ ear, soft yet slightly aristocratic. “How much longer will we pelt their line?” they asked, looking over from their position a few hundred yards away, hands clasped behind their back.

“We’ll wait for the next bombing run. Their focus will be on them when we charge.” Icarus responded quickly.

Oliver nodded in the distance. “I’ll tell Alevi to get the armored division ready. What about your Enforcer battalion?”

“They’re waiting for the green light. 950s, not 750s.”

“What’s the difference in a charge like this?”

Icarus let out a soft chuckle. “They have thicker armor. They’ll be in front of the infantry and behind the armored division. A wall.”

Oliver nodded a bit. “Makes sense…what would Balivok say though? Wasting 950s like that?”

Icarus chuckled again. Balivok was the head of the Enforcer Corps, an old man that had seen the middle production life of 750s and had been one of the driving forces behind the 950 program. “He’ll take notes on their effectiveness in charges and in combat and congratulate me, of course~”

Oliver let out a small laugh. “That old man? Congratulating someone? That’s like asking for a few cents from a politician.”

Icarus laughed a small bit in response and walked towards his men, getting in front of them and readying himself for the charge. He grabbed his shotgun, which had been resting against his back on a strap, and flipped the safety off. His men got ready and fired a line of smoke shells across the line before joining him just at the edge of the line. As the smoke billowed over the enemy lines, Icarus took off his hat for a moment to slip on his gasmask before putting it back on, fixing his comms unit. Another line of bombers roared in the distance, and Icarus shouted for the command to charge as he leaped over the line, rushing forwards as their tanks, the large behemoths of armor, rolled by them, and Enforcers clambered off of the backs of the tanks and rushed forwards, their upgraded shoulder plates that covered their whole arm expanding into large, thick shields, and quickly a wall of armor rushed in front of the soldiers, bullets ricocheting off of them. A roar of yelling echoed over the bombers and gunfire as they charged the enemy line, a flood of black and red.

Icarus stopped his car and turned it off, stepping out in front of the house in front of him. It was situated between two other houses, white and tan, with an unassuming architectural style. He walked up the small set of stairs and knocked on the door, taking a step back before waiting for a moment.

As the door opened, Oliver peered out, looking almost exactly the same as they did back in the day, except their hair was a tad bit longer, going down to the middle of their neck. They were wearing a button-up white shirt and sweatpants, no shoes. “Icarus?” they asked, their voice slightly tired and slow.

Icarus nodded. “Did I wake you up?”

Oliver shook their head. “No, no, you’re good...come in, it’s getting cold outside. I’ve got some coffee going if you want any.” they stepped to the side and opened the door wider, and Icarus stepped inside, looking around. The house was nice, with dark oak floors and modern furniture. A TV sat on the wall in the living room above a small fireplace, and the kitchen had white tile floors and walls and black granite countertops.

Oliver closed the door and smiled a small bit. “So, why did you come knocking at my door at…” they checked their watch for a moment. “...11:30? Somethin’ on your mind?”

Icarus shook his head. “Just couldn’t sleep.”

Oliver chuckled and patted his back, leaning in and putting their chin on his shoulder. “Are you suuure?~”

Icarus went to say something and stopped, letting a small smile cross his lips. “I remembered you owed me a drink from back in the day, it’s been a few years coming~”

Oliver chuckled and walked towards the kitchen. “I guess coffee can wait then, Mr. Operator.” they joked, opening a small cabinet and picking through bottles of wine.

Icarus chuckled and leaned against the counter, brushing some hair out of his eyes. “Alright, professor.” Icarus joked back. Oliver had become a researcher for the ARWG after the war with the ESF, while Icarus became a Senior Operator.

Oliver came back with a couple glasses and a bottle of red wine, opening it and pouring each of them a glass. Icarus smiled and took a small sip, savoring the cherry and vanilla sweetness from it for a moment, before setting it down. “How have you been? It’s been a while since we talked with each other.”

They smiled a small bit and took a sip. “Boring. Nobody to hang out with, work is boring. You?”

Icarus shrugged. “I just got back from Amika a few weeks ago, did some business there. Ruined their resistance movement there. But since I got back’s been slow.”

Oliver nodded. “Raids in Amika sound interesting enough though.”

“I guess you could say that.” Icarus took another sip of wine. “Anything interesting recently, by any chance?”

Oliver took a moment to think before speaking. “I guess anything to do with my research would be interesting, for sure...we’re trying to tap into Vironian magic, we’re getting closer to a breakthrough any day now…”

Icarus smiled. “Yeah, that’s...pretty interesting.” he was already feeling the wine work its way into his system; he wasn’t used to alcohol at all. He took another drink from his glass and leaned a bit more against the counter.

Oliver did the same and brushed some hair out of their face. “Yknow, I never said anything have really cool eyes~” they said in a slightly slurred and quiet voice.

Icarus’ eyes flickered a small bit to pink before going back to blue, and he nodded. “Thanks, they’re quite unique…”

Oliver chuckled and scooted across the counter, a tad bit closer to Icarus. “And cute...really cute~” they reached a finger up and poked Icarus’ nose, giggling.

Icarus couldn’t help but blush for a moment before shaking his head. “I’m...I’m not cute…”

“Yes you are, cutie~”

Icarus let out a small noise and gulped down the last of his wine, looking down at Oliver, eyes flickering again. “Not cute, Oliver…”

Oliver stood up straight and walked over to Icarus, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Y’know what’s also cute?~”

Icarus tensed up at the touch as a tingly feeling rose up his spine and to his head. “W-What?”

They giggled and pushed their head into his side. “Your lil body~”

Icarus’ hand twitched for a moment before he pulled away from Oliver and sat against the counter. “I-I’m not-” Oliver cut him short and pressed a finger against his lips, smiling for a moment before grabbing Icarus’s shirt and pulling him into a deep, slow kiss.

Icarus leapt over a small concrete barrier and slid into the enemy’s trench, shotgun raised and ready. The armor rolled overhead and fired into the enemy’s defenses further on. The Enforcers followed, but the infantry stayed behind to fight the remaining ESF forces in the trenches. Icarus turned a corner and looked carefully, and saw Oliver kick a man against a wall and fire a burst from their rifle into his chest, jumping over the trench and into another one without noticing Icarus. He shook his head and kept moving before getting sidelined by an enemy soldier, wearing all while armor stained in mud. Icarus stumbled a small bit backwards and went to raise his shotgun, but the soldier gripped the barrel and pointed it up, trying to rip it out of his hands. Icarus pushed into the soldier and toppled him slightly, enough to where the barrel pointed at his head, and pulled the trigger, the soldier’s head exploding in hot blue blood as he toppled over. Icarus stumbled backwards again and pumped the shotgun, taking a breath and continuing to move.


Icarus cursed at himself for a moment before leaping back over the trench, looking at the armor that had rolled ahead as they were suddenly hit with bombs from the ESFs bombers, which flew high up overhead. Enforcers began to fall back as the whistling bombs tumbled towards them. Soldiers clambered out of the trenches and back towards their line, and Icarus followed, keeping his head down and holding his shotgun with one hand. The mass of soldiers with him yelled as the bombers flew up and prepared for a second run.

Icarus peered over the soldier’s heads and saw Oliver running from behind, until falling face first into the mud, crawling away from the blasts growing closer, feet trampling his body and shoving his face down to the mud, sending the disgusting waste up into his throat and nose. The hellfire from above sent shrapnel through those behind them, killing soldiers or gravely wounding them, as the bombs thudded into the ground, most exploding on impact. Craters of the mud covered the still writhing bodies struggling to escape, dragging them under the waste, water drowning them as it pooled down into the bottom like quick sand. A bomb hit nearby and sent Oliver tumbling into the mud with a loud yelp, submerging more than half of his body, surrounding his chest, the weight crushing his chest and lungs. Icarus stopped and yelled something over the gunfire and bombs before rushing back, diving down to avoid the enemy’s fire and grabbing Oliver’s arms and trying to pull them out, letting out a loud, drawn out groan as his body contorted and stretched, bones snapping.

Icarus finally yanked Oliver out of the mud and picked them up, shoeless and weighed down by the mud stuck to their legs. Fighting the mud that began to drag down into hell, Icarus began to run, Oliver in his arms, his lungs burning as the bombers flew overhead again, carpeting the area in a roaring flame of napalm, the heat blasting them back, merely staggering back with Icarus taking no time to push through the roaring flame that licked their clothes. He felt a bullet slam into his side, tearing his hip open, and he let out a small scream and tumbled to the side for a second, nearly dropping Oliver before running again. The overwhelming power of adrenaline that pumped through his veins dulled the pain slightly, but kept pushing him forward.

A loud roar echoed overhead as ARWG jets tailed the bombers, tearing through their armor with their cannons before climbing back up into the sky, the gunfire from the ESF side of the field dying down as artillery soared overhead and slammed into the line again, Icarus leaping over their own trench and slipping, laying down Oliver behind the cover of the shallow ratnest.

Oliver’s tongue pressed against and broke through Icarus’ lips, sliding on top of his tongue with grace, drawing Icarus in deeper to kiss back. With his eyes closed, Icarus cupped Oliver’s face, leaning towards them to worm his way into Oliver’s mouth, their breath smelling of sweet wine that covered his tongue as it circled around theirs. They built up their own tempo of pulling back their lips and tongues to catch small glimpses of the other before kissing once again, their positions of dominance and submission swapping during their tongues’ dance. As they kissed, Oliver slowly lifted their arms, to wrap themselves around Icarus, one leg intertwining around his, getting them even closer, their stiffening crotches rubbing against one another. They both wanted this, both needed this. As Oliver slowly lifted Icarus’ shirt, he quickly stopped the kiss and their exploration of his body, taking a hold of their arm to drag it down softly away from his chest.

“Are you sure..? I’m not really...whole. I’ve been ravaged by war and my own experiences. You've seen what we’ve gone through before, and I really don’t want to ruin this for you..” Icarus slowly said out loud, expecting belittlement and teasing from Oliver.

“Alright, I don’t mind, if it really makes you that uncomfortable...Let me show you that your body and your scars don’t faze me, I have them too from our shared experiences, and I don’t care about them. I care about the man who wears them.” Oliver replied, trying their best to comfort him in this private, tender moment.

“Are you really sure..?” Icarus stammered out once more.

“I’m sure.”
Oliver kissed Icarus one last time before pushing Icarus back to the cold counter, and kissed their way down to his belly, making it clear their intention to give head. Slightly uncomfortably and shyly, Icarus worked his way out of his jeans with the help of Oliver, who slid it off him entirely, leaving him in his tight, cute underwear, doing little to hide his body’s enjoyment. Oliver licked the bulge, a spot of pre developing as it twitched with pleasure, making Icarus let out a muffled moan he tried to hold back. Icarus ran his hand through Oliver’s long hair, pressing them closer to his crotch as they slowly slid the underwear off their body. As it came off, his cock instantly throbbed upwards, resting against Oliver’s tender cheek, pre running down it. Staring at each other, Icarus saw a hot effeminate cutie ready to go down on him, fully enthralled in who he, Icarus, is, causing his heart to skip a beat while Oliver saw a hot, rugged man with a soft heart of gold that cared deeply for them as well, butterflies fluttering in their stomach.

“You really are cute Icarus, from head to toe I think you’re stunning.” Oliver slowly rubbed themselves onto Icarus’ cock while flirting.

As Icarus looked away, uncontrollably blushing, hand taken away from their head, Oliver wrapped their lips and made their way down his cock, more than half way down and tickling the back of their throat. Icarus let out a loud moan as his body became rigid, dick jumping from the surprise.

“Ohhh...Fuck Oliver..God…” Icarus said while Oliver began pumping his head down further and further as they stroked the rest of the length when they pulled back to the head. Oliver slowly made it all the way down on the shaft, staying there to look up once again, deeply falling in love with Icarus in the moment. Sliding it all the way out of their throat, Oliver then kissed and tongued Icarus’ fat balls. They were clean but a salty taste of sweat covered them, making the taste all the more delicious.

“Oliver...You feel so good..” Icarus moaned out, his knuckles turning white as he clenched the table, trying to keep him from cumming yet. As Oliver licked their way up the balls, and underneath the cock, Icarus put his hand on Oliver’s head, trying to help guide them. Icarus pushing lightly, Oliver made it all the way down, pre cum running down their throat. From there, they began building a slow tempo of thrusts to Icarus’ hips. Oliver got faster and faster over time, drool covering the whole length, dripping down their face as the noise of their wet, sloppy sucking mixed with Icarus’ moans. Beginning to thrust into them a bit, Icarus realized how close he was getting, and tapped at Oliver before lightly pushing them back.

Between huffs, Icarus said “’re going to make me cum at this rate Oliver, jeez…”

“Then let me finish you off~” Oliver replied, getting closer to his leaking crotch

“I, uh, want this to last. Ok? I don’t want to cum yet, I want to do more with you...”

“Oh..? Like what, you monster cock cutie?”

“'s not that big…”

“Sure felt like it~”
“Well..uh…I was thinking maybe you..fuck me. I don’t think I could top, with my body. I’m not really..the strongest and I haven’t done it in so long... I want you to enjoy this as much as you can.”

“I already am enjoying this Icarus, but, would you enjoy it? All I want is for you to enjoy yourself with me. It’s all fine to me, give us time to make it last and enjoy it together.”

“I think I would like for you to top me.. and.I’ve kinda been thinking about what you said, you really want to see my body? All of it, despite what I’ve gone through…I’m not perfect, and I don’t want to ruin this for you. I don’t want my disgusting body to hurt you.”

“ aren’t disgusting to me.. I would be happy to go slow, or even stop if you need to. I want to help you feel even a tiny bit more comfortable in your body, confident in knowing that I like your body, but that more, I like you.”

Taking a step back, and holding Icarus’ head in his hands, looking into his eyes, Oliver continued, “Icarus, I think even despite the scars your body looks..really good...we all have scars but hun wear them with such confidence throughout the day. I wish I was more like that, more like you...I think in some way, they show how strong you are for getting so far in life. for getting so far to be here, and to be here with me of all people. I wanna make sure to make you feel so make up for all those scars and wounds you've carried for so long, to make it seem just a little bit worth it for sharing them with me."

Tearing up, Icarus got up and hugged Oliver tightly, and began to slightly sob into their shoulder. “Th--Thank you Oliver.”

Oliver patted him on the back, and hugged just as tight, “It's alright dear. It's alright, I promise.”

Lost in the passion of the moment, Icarus deeply kissed Oliver once again, making out heavily, faster than before, practically over taking Oliver. As they began to fall just as deep in that burning desire of passion, they lifted off Icarus’ shirt, not even taking a second glance at his scars, only focusing on Icarus himself. Quickly, Icarus tried to undress Oliver, trying to take off their tight fitting button up shirt first, with each button that slid off showing more of their tight abs and muscle on soft skin, barren aside from a few scars. With that taken off, Icarus slid his hand down to grope at their cock, looking down while kissing their lips to better slide off their pants. With help from Oliver once again, the pants came off easily, followed by their underwear, revealing a thick, 7 inch cock that flopped out. As Oliver picked up Icarus and pushed him onto the island, Icarus slowly stroked their member, admiring its shape.

“ look so much bigger Oli..”

“Oli? Heh, please, I’m still sure you're bigger,” They said, while spreading Icarus’ legs; leaning into his body with their hands on his hips, pulling him closer to the edge, his ass ready to be bred on the counter.

“Y-yeah, I think Oli sounds cute..Please go easy on me, you look so big and I’m probably really tight and scared..down there..” Icarus pleaded.

“Sure thing “Iccy~”, I’ll make sure you enjoy this with me. Tell me if it gets too much, and then we can do something else instead, ok?”


“I’ll start off easy on you, with this~” Putting some of their spit into their hand, Oliver began lubing up Icarus’ hole, feeling its soft yet slightly rough surface before slowly sliding a finger in partially, opening it up slightly yet not pushing it in, gauging his reaction. “How's that feel?”

“A bit… tight, but not painful...”

Sliding their finger in, Oliver asked again while slowly thrusting the hole, feeling around,


“Nnnghhh...alright. I think I can take more...”

“Alright...Let me step it up a bit then~” Taking out their hand and putting more spit lube on, they finger Icarus’ hole with the index and middle finger, stretching the hole, fingers spreading apart from each other, working him loose.

“Ahh... god I’m sorry I’m so tight...”

“It's fine, it's actually kinda cute to see you struggle so much and take it for me. I’ll go up one more step, before stuffing you myself~”

Blushing heavily, Icarus relaxed himself further, finally good enough to be fucked, yet Oliver wants to make sure. Finally using three fingers, they spread his hole as wide it could go for now, tight but comfortably enough for both parties to enjoy themselves.

“I think you’re ready Icarus, what do you think?”
“Go slow for now.. and yeah. I..may..end this if it reminds me know.. How are you?”

“Of course. And I’m ready too.”

Licking their palm and stroking their cock, Oliver gets themselves ready for Icarus. Once ready, they pressed their slick, saliva covered tip against Icarus’ quivering hole, lubed as much as possible, and slowly let themself sink into Icarus while pushing the tip in. Once the tip slipped in, Icarus let out a quiet groan of mixed pleasure and strain to relax his body, letting Oliver slide in half way quickly, before slowly letting the rest make its way into him. Once Oliver made it in all the way, their balls resting against each other, they asked “H-How do you feel?”

“I-I think... I can do this...ok..Hold my hand through this, u-until I’m good enough, ok?”

“Sure thing.” Oliver said while taking hold of his hand and interlocking their fingers with his.

Slowly sliding out, his tight and not fully lubed yet, Oliver thrusted back softly, not going all the way back in, their balls bumping into each other. Icarus’ cock throbbed a bit, pre cum leaking out again.

Trying to distract Icarus a small bit again, seeing it worked last time “God you look so cute..”

“Noo.. yo-”

As Icarus replied, they slid their member back in further and fast enough to make Icarus moan, breaking his reply.


“Nnnhmmh..” Icarus hid his face, whining quietly while Oliver started to hump Icarus slowly, building a tempo.

“Hahh, fuck Icarus, you feel great. Grrhhh.” they growled, Icarus feeling their cock throb inside of his body.

Oliver took a grip of Icarus’ thigh, making him moan even louder as they pulled him in closer. Oliver started fucking him fast enough to make an audible smack with their balls and make his cock flop back and forth, stretching him out further. “Fucking god you’re tight..”

Mentally, Icarus couldn’t stop thinking of Oliver, their body, their face...their cock thrusting deep into him, making him squeal and moan like a bitch..their bitch. He thought he couldn’t help but think of the past and what happened to him, but the only thing going through his mind is Oliver, and how good it feels.

“Ahhnn...Fuck me..please... Harderrr~” Icarus begged, looking at Oliver, who started to moan themselves, swearing loudly as they began to go faster, gripping Icarus tightly around his waist. With each thrust, going from tip to balls, Icarus lets out moans of pleasure, forced out of his lungs. Sweat began to drip down Oliver, yet couldn’t notice their exhaustion as they kept pushing themselves further for Icarus.

After a few minutes of breeding, Icarus blurts out, “Ghhaaah, I’m-I-aah-cum!”

“That’s it Icarus, let it all out~” Oliver took a hold of his cock, and began quickly stroking it, making Icarus bend back in pure bliss fist clenched up above him, his body splayed out on the table as he strained his muscles.

“Aaanhh! Ol---Oliverr, nngh Oliverr, ahha!” Icarus screamed, letting loose a large string of cum into the air that landed back on his chest and face a bit, then covering his belly in his sperm. Oliver leaned over, slowing down their thrusts to make out with Icarus, cleaning some of the cum off his face.
“You still wanna keep going babe? Hahh..hahh..” Oliver panted out, exhaustion beginning to take hold.

“Oliver.. Please, fuck me..Hah..Please enjoy yourself too..”

Oliver began thrusting harder against Icarus, beginning to make him a cock loving mess, heavily sedated by the pure ecstasy and pleasure from being fucked and cumming. He begged and screamed, moaning so loud that someone could’ve heard, yet the only thing they both cared about was this lingering moment of passion and bliss shared by the two of them. Getting closer and closer, Oliver kept pounding, gripping Icarus tight, moaning and losing themself to the need to cum, ramming Icarus as hard as they could, breaking tempo, sloppily breeding him.

“Oh fuck Icarus! Fuuuck!” Oliver let out, climaxing balls deep inside Icarus, before continuing to thrust into him, painting his insides with their seed. Icarus felt the throbbing member spew its warmth deep into his ass, filling him with warmth and a wave of bliss. Oliver, still inside and leaking the rest of his climax, gasped and huffed for air, pulling out when they finished cumming, their cum dribbling out from Icarus’ ass onto the counter and the floor.

“God Icarus…”


As Icarus got off the island, they leaned into each other for another hug, sweat covering the both of them at this point, exhausted and ready to find somewhere for the two of them to cuddle up, and rest in each other’s arms.

Icarus sat in his room, his side wrapped in tape and biofoam, wearing his uniform’s pants and a long sleeved shirt. He hadn’t slept since he saved Oliver; the pain was too much for him to close his eyes. The ship he was on shook a small bit as it dropped shock troopers from it’s bays, although the shake was more the feeling of someone heavily walking in the hallway nearby.

He looked down at his burned hands for a moment and flexed them slowly, his black and blue eyes scanning slowly. He got lost in his own thoughts for a moment; he heard a sharp bang in his head, the pitter-patter of rain, a yell, the sound of metal meeting flesh, and he closed eyes and shuddered for a moment.

A faint knock rang out from his opened door, and he looked up to see Oliver, wearing practically the same thing he was. Oliver smiled a small bit and took a little step forward, as if testing the waters. “Bad time?” they asked, their voice soft and calm.

Icarus shook his head and rubbed his eyes. “No, you’re fine. Did you need something?”

Oliver shrugged and took a few more steps into the room. “It’s lonely in the medical wing. Nobody’s awake there, so I just wanted company.”

Icarus nodded a small bit. “ can close the door, if you want. I don’t care.”

Oliver nodded and closed the door slowly before sitting on the floor next to Icarus’ bed, closing their eyes. “It's so quiet up here...y'know?”

Icarus nodded again. “ artillery, no shouting, just...rumbling. That’s it.”

Oliver nodded. “Yeah…” Icarus sighed and slid off of his bed and next to Oliver, bringing his knees up to his chest. Oliver put their head on his shoulder and smiled, and Icarus tensed up. “You alright?” Oliver asked quietly, not opening his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine…” Icarus lied. He didn’t let people touch him, at all. Bad memories from his time on Yalisok Island. Nobody had laid a finger on him since then, not even his father.

Oliver pulled away slightly and looked Icarus in the eyes. “Did...something happen?”

Icarus closed his eyes again and leaned his head down a bit. He never talked to anybody about what happened, he never saw it as okay to show what happened.

Oliver got in front of Icarus and looked at him with wide blue eyes. “Come on, Iccy, talk to me…” they reached and gripped Icarus’ hand softly.

Icarus tensed up again for a moment before looking up, eyes shaking, ready for the tears to fall. “I...I...back in Yalisok...I…”

“You were captured…”

“Y-Yeah...yeah...and...those people...they…” Icarus started to shake, closing his eyes again only to see the cold, dark cave floors again. “They...did things...really...really awful things...I...I…”

Oliver suddenly sprang forward and pulled Icarus into a tight, warm hug. “’ll be okay, Iccy...I promise...they aren’t around to hurt you anymore…”

Icarus wrapped his arms around Oliver and started to cry, feeling weak in the moment. He choked on his words, going soft and limp in Oliver’s arms. “I...I’m…”

“You’re okay…” Oliver muttered. “You’re okay…”

“I’m...I’m sorry…”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about…” Oliver cupped Icarus’ chin and looked him in the eyes. “Trust’s not your fault…”

Icarus looked him in the eyes, tears rolling aimlessly down his cheeks, and he started to sniffle a bit, trying to stop them. “Alright...y-yeah...I’m...okay…”

Oliver smiled weakly. “Yeah, you’re okay.”

“You sure?”

“I’m positive.”


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About The Author
About This Story
8 Mar, 2021
Read Time
28 mins
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