"Falling Fast, Breathing Slow"

By Phoenix


Fear is unpredictable. In some souls it heightens their softness and among others it invokes selfishness. For some it is a reminder of the uncertainty in this world, and for others it becomes an excuse to forget the lessons of humanity. Fear brings a soul to the edge--sometimes it becomes the cause of recklessness of a being, and other times it is the source of goodness. Uncertainty is uncontrollable but the choices you make are in your control. Where you drive your soul is in your control. Who you are to others is in your control. Choose humanity--even in most uncertain times of life. Be to others how you to be towards you. Choose choose for others what you would want for yourself, be the someone to others that you would want others to be towards you. Don't let fear make you unrecognizable to humanity. be wise but be patient. Hold on to the ropes of faith and above all,

Be human.

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