He the Rabbit

By xXGLB-LifeStudioXx

Whose rabbit is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite sad though.
It really is a tale of woe,
He the rabbit watches her frown. He the rabbit cries a hello.

She gives her rabbit a pet snake,

No one knows why she makes these big mistakes.
She sobs until the sun has set.
Some say, her sobs can be heard within the rain,
Rain is so beautiful and so is the sky,

It's so beautiful, it's hard to tell which is real, and which is fake.

The rabbit is interesting, unreal, and deep,
But he too has promises to keep,
Until then he shall not sleep.
As his owner lies in bed with sounds of weeps of sorrow.

She rises from her bitter bed,
With thoughts of sadness in her head,
She idolizes being dead.
Facing the day with never-ending dread.

He the rabbit, leaves the place and faces a world of beautiful fates.

He the rabbit, adventure awaits, to once make his owner in a forever happy pace.

He the rabbit, never returned, as there's a whole journey that has begun.

He the rabbit's owner weeps and cries until she can forever get her he the rabbit back.

He the rabbit finally returns, and he the rabbit's owner burst into terms of happiness.

Author Notes: Tell Me How I Did! Thank You! ^^

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