I am a heartbroken mess,
Sitting alone, gathering
Dust because nobody
Cares to dust me off.
I am surrounded by
People in this hell
Who hold hands,
Hug, kiss, and laugh together.
I will never have that,
Because I am a heartbroken,
Fat, disgusting pig.
I loved her.
I poured my heart
Out to her for
2 ½ years of my life.
I wanted to feel like the
People I’m surrounded
By, the people who have
An army of friends
And a commander that
Loves them holding
Their hand through that hell.
I needed her. I wanted
To make both of us happy, but
She had other plans. One of her
Closest friends had been
Asking for her love for
2 ½ years, but just because I’m
A pig who eats to deal
With the depression nobody
Bats an eye to, she dates
Somebody who only wants
Her to fuck.
I cared about her, but
Now, I can’t stand the
Sight of her with that
Asshole, because they are now
Part of that hell I have to endure.
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