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Her Best-friend is Gone

Her Best-friend is Gone

By Lusena

It was a beautiful sunny day outside and the sound of birds chirping could be heard from the trees surrounding her house. The smell of blossomed roses, lemon leaves, and all different types of flowers that grew in her grandmother's garden made the air fresh. Humming birds would sometimes stop by to suck the nectar out of the Cardinal flower that grew far behind her garden. It was such a joy to watch her grandmother water her garden and then enjoy a cup of coffee or brewed lemon tea in those cool summer days. Now, it is understood that everyone has their own opinion of their own grandmothers, but to her, there was nobody who would compare to her grandmother. In her heart she knew that there could not be any love stronger then theirs. They would sit hours watching television, chatting how their day went, shared scary stories, and most of all, there was never a negative comment. Things that were suppose to be kept a secret, were kept locked up in both their mind, heart, and soul. Then came that awful day. The news of a doctor ended what once felt as though nothing could ever break their world. Grandmother was diagnosed with kidney cancer and a week later, her lungs filled with fluid and the ambulance rushed her to the hospital. Once her being there, she only went down the road. Yes she came home, but nothing was the same. She couldn't walk, speak, nor would she open her eyes. She slowly deteriorated and the cancer was controlling her. She later went back to the hospital after being released for a week, and after she was admitted once more, she never walk out. A few months later God called out to her and she accepted him with open arms. She was no longer suffering or in pain, but at peace. The pain the teenager felt inside was horrible. Why did her only best-friend have to die? Did she do something wrong to deserve such abandonment? Family kept repeating how she is now resting in peace and that their love will never die, but that can not be true.  The world seems empty, the flowers have died and there is no smell of fresh air, no more long hours of story telling or that sweet kiss on your forehead reassuring that things will be fine. This is hell and nobody will tell you any different. Not your mother, father, brothers, sisters, or friends that you think or want to believe that they want the best for you. No, there will only be one true friend and she is buried six feet under at a cemetery with fake flowers and a hard stone with her name on it. Things will never be the same. Yes, children will come and fill that huge empty hole in your heart with love, but then, they grow and deep down inside the anger still lays there because your only best-friend is gone.

Author Notes: Love your grandmother because she will be the only one to show you compassion.

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About This Story
10 Jul, 2014
Read Time
2 mins
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