I Am The Sylph Of Heart, Pt. 1

By derse_dreamer

A young girl stands in her bedroom. Snowflakes cover over her hat, which she threw on the unmade bed. Who is this girl? Oh silly. This girl is YOU!! YOU lean against your door, after throwing your coat across the room. Every inch of wallspace is covered in posters. Posters of bands, movies, shows, actors, people, shops, books, anime, everything. You are always busy, with your MANY INTERESTS. You have all of these great things to do, so many that you can hardly keep track of them all. Your DAD doesn't understand that all of these things mean something to you. He thinks they're silly. Gosh, he NEVER understands you. Someday you're going to move out. But as for now, you're only 13 years old. You can't move out. But you aren't feeling up to look at your posters or complain about your DAD. Today you turn 13 years old. Today something very bad is happening. 

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