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I Miss You
I Miss You

I Miss You


‘I miss you’. I said over the phone as I was saying goodbye to her. Hi, I’m will, and my girlfriends name is Ellie.

We are in a long-distance relationship, that has been on and off for about 3 years. I miss her every day. I love her so much. She always makes me smile weather it’s just her smiling or if she is doing something goofy. I just absolutely love her.

Don’t tell her this but, I have brought a ticket to go and see her. she lives in America, and I live in London. I haven’t seen her in over a year and I honestly can’t wait. I’m so excited. She has no idea that I’m coming, I am going in a couple days to the airport, I was going to stay somewhere in the middle of my trip, but then I realised that I could just sleep on the plane and the quicker I get there, the quicker I get to see my beautiful girl.


I’m on my way to the airport, I honestly can’t wait. All of my nerves are going through my body. I am so excited. I always stop in the airport shops before I get on my pane and because I am well what I like to think as a very organised person. I get there at least 2 hours before my plane takes off. I always like to go into the shops to buy some snacks for the plane, I don’t feel like paying £10 for the food on the airplane. I got some drinks as well.

*On my plane*

I can’t wait, I can’t wait. I’m on the plane right now, Ellie keeps texting me asking to facetime her but I can’t because that would ruin the whole surprise. I told her I am going to camping for a few days. It’s going to take me a few days to get there anyways so I should be able to get away with this little scheme. All I want to do is be there already.

Oh god the seatbelt sign is on, we are about to take off. I am so excited. So excited. I guess I will see you shortly mi amor <3


We are nearly there; I am so excited. 2 and a half more hours until I get to the American airport. I honestly cannot wait. I haven’t been able to sleep at all. I have tried but something always seems to get in the way. For example, crying babies or screaming children. You know what I just don’t even care. I’m just so excited to see my girl.


Only half an hour left. I am so excited. I am nearly there. I haven’t heard from Ellie in a couple hours. I am going to text her quick make sure she is all ok

Me; hey baby <3

Babe; hey bubs <3

Me; are you ok? I haven’t heard from you in a bit. Just checking up

Babe: yes, I am ok. Just been busy. Are you ok?

Me; yes, I am fine. Is everything ok?

Babe: yes, everything is fine don’t you worry about me. how’s camping?

Me; it’s ok, wish you were here thought <3

Babe: I wish I was there as well <3

Babe: my mum wants me, I will talk to you later

Me; ok baby <3. I love you too

Babe: I love you too

Me; bye, mi amor <3

Babe; bye, my love <3


I have just landed omg, it is like 9pm at night, lucky I booked at hotel. Just got to get a taxi now, how hard that is going to be at this time I have no idea, but I am hoping that I can.

Coming out of the terminal and grabbing my bags, this didn’t feel real. Looking to my left, is that who I think it is? It is my god. It’s Ellie’s parents.

Me; hey, I didn’t know you were coming. I thought I was going to get a taxi to yours tomorrow.

Her mum (Charlie); you were, but I couldn’t just leave you to get a taxi at this time at night. Americans can be really rude.

Her dad (Alan); is he here yet?

Charlie; look, in front of you dear.

Alan; hey, buddy. How are you? How was your flight? Was it ok?

Me; hey, yes, I am ok. The flight was ok. It just feels a bit weird. I’m very jetlagged at the moment not going to lie to you. It all just feels very weird. That I am actually here. that’s all. Anyway, how are you guys? I can’t believe that you guys actually came and got me. you honestly didn’t have too.

Charlie: we are good. Again, we couldn’t let you go to hotel at this time of night all by yourself.

Alan: how much did you pay for the hotel by the way?

Me; only about £15 per night. Not much but I can pay when I get there, so I haven’t technically paid anything yet. Only just booked the room

Alan: well, it is only 9;30 at night. Do you want to come and surprise Ellie earlier?

Me; are you kidding I would love too.

Charlie; ok, that’s good. You can stay at ours as well.

Alan: the car is right outside. Let’s go. Its won’t take long to get to ours. We will be back by 10pm the latest.

Charlie; let’s go. Alan for heaven’s sake take his bags

(Alan goes to take my bags. I try to refuse but he insists)

I still can’t believe that I am going to get to see Ellie tonight I can’t wait. Only 15 more minutes and I get to see her. I am spending a few weeks in America, so I am so excited.

*At her house*

Alan: let me get your bags, you go in with Charlie and surprise Ellie. Thank you for coming all this way by the way.

Me; it is no problem, anything for Ellie.

Charlie: ok, you have to be quiet because she thought we were just going to the shop to get some snacks and stuff that she asked for. I thought you two could go a bit later. The shops are open till about 12.

Me; yes, of course I will go with her later.

Charlie: ok good, you can borrow the car. Or you can go borrow Ellies car she never uses it

Alan: what are you gibber jabbering about come on, Will has been waiting here for God knows how long to go and see Ellie. Let him in the house. Come on

Charlie; ok, Alan calm down. Sorry we were just having a bit of a gabber. Come on let’s go inside

Here we go, I am so excited. Ok I have to be so quiet. I can hear her. here we go I guess

Ellie; mum? Mum, is that you?

Charlie; yes, it’s me. I’m going to bring something up to your room, you stay there, ok?

Ellie; ok?

Ok, (internally screams). Here we go

Me; do you want to go in first, or should i?

Charlie: I will, I want to film it. Is that ok?

Me; of course, it is.

Charlie: ok here we go.

Charlie: hey babe, dads got your stuff, but I need to talk to you quick. Let me just tidy up over here quick.

Ellie; why are you cleaning up?

Me; maybe because I am here

Ellie; omg, omg. You’re here. How are you here? Why are you here? How did you get here?

Me; hey baby, yes, I am here. I got here by booking a ticket and getting on a plane. Then in the car and then I am here.

Ellie; omg, just shut up and hug me

As she jumps up in my arms, I just couldn’t let go off her. she is so perfect.

And for the first time in forever I said ‘I missed you’ too her face.

‘I missed you so much’

Author Notes: hi guys, sorry it's taken so long for me to upload another story, I have just finished school and have been very busy doing things with friends/ family. I appreciate all the feedback that I have to from the people who read my stories. I have also notice that people are favouriting my stories. I would just like to thank you so much, for all the love and support that I am getting. thank you again. I have also been righting stories a lot more and will upload some more soon. <333 I love you all

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26 Jul, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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