Im the Problem

By Unknown-author

If you are reading this it is because you want something that will either make you feel again or want to hear a story similar to ypur s so here is mine.

I'm 14

I'm not worried about how I will solve my next math problem.

I'm worried about how I will solve me.

I'm 14

I'm not worried about when my next sleepover will be.

I'm worried about when I will finally will sleep again.

Im 14

I'm not worried about how I am going to find love in a bright future.

I'm worried if I will ever find myself again.

I'm 14

I'm not worried about how the long sleeves in forced to wear in the cold winter will make me look less attractive.

I'm worried about how I have to wear long sleeves to hide the cold scars on my arms. That I can not risk exposing.

I'm 14

I'm not worried about a love letter...

I'm worried about my suicide leter.

Author Notes: This is not to make anyone's mental illnesses get worse it is so we can learn you are not alone!!!!!!!

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