
By SamZ

She thought she could take it.

“It” was one of the daunting movies there.

There was no one there, or for miles.

And miles she still had to go to reach home.

“Home” that would be a lovely place to be right now, fear crawled into her.

Her heart was beating, she didn’t know why she was so scared.

As scared as a mouse would be of a feline, she stopped, behind her, there wasn’t anyone in sight, above her, the moon shone, dull light was only what she saw.

She saw she was all alone.

Alone for miles and miles in a dark, lonely roadway, with nothing but the woods around her.

Her palms were sweating, she didn’t know why she was here, and she was scared stiff of what would happen next.

The next thing she saw, she couldn’t tell, cold wind brushed against her neck.

Her neck craned towards the woods, and there she saw, fuzzy hair, pale skin, and lifeless eyes.

The eyes looked at her, “hunger” it read and then there was nothing except darkness.

Darkness prevailed all around her.

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