“It Is Not Fear”

By angg_253

“It is not fear”
Men who have been up as often as we have become thick-skinned
The muffled thud of the burst does not reach us
We all listen
The front is restless
Three guns open fire close behind us
The burst of flame shoots across the fog
The guns roar and boom

Every time it is the same

Then come the first gun-emplacements
every word of our speech has a new ring
“There’ll be a bombardment”
It cut clean through the thought
That is awakened in us
I feel a whirl of the vortex sucking me slowly
Irresistibly, inescapably to myself


At the sound of the first droning of shells we rush back
One cannot explain it.
Mist and the smoke of guns lie breast high over the fields
Guns and munition wagons are moving along cross road
The ground becomes more broken
From ahead come warnings
Suddenly the line halts

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