It's Her... Nabihah

By IzzAHamid

Such a strong woman,
Her enthusiasm musters up my spirit,
Those droplets gush from her tear ducts,
Always make me pledge,
Not to scar this woman’s heart.
The world knew,
Her dream is up there,
On the peak of Everest,
There must be reasons,
For all those hardness and challenges,
That rain her,
Keeps her shiver and sob.

Such a great woman,
Blessed with abundant kids,
They change as the time rolls,
Years take place,
Some may follow their separated paths,
Some may still be there,
Beside her.
It is natural,
Missing something that have gone,
My heart burst,
Shouting out of desire,

Unable to tell this beautiful creature,
The one who left,
Always longing for her,

Author Notes: Sincerely, I always feel the warmth of your heart

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