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Just a Stranger on the Bus
Just a Stranger on the Bus

Just a Stranger on the Bus


Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home?
He was more than a stranger
He wasn't just going home

Alive but dead
Fourteen and alone
How could the world kill so much kindness
He sat remembering the smiles
Of loving parents

He hid in stories of lies
Laughed at the sad
And cried at the happy
He was a mess

Life hurts
But this is the bad hurt
The sad hurt
The one that could kill you

Breathed but didn't
Fate was cruel
Torturing almost
Yet real life had to catch him someday
And that was today

It was the one thing that took him
Without anyone's hand to hold
He slipped under the light
Gone through the darkness

He finally found the smiles
That he lost when he died inside
He just needed a push off the edge
But he was pushed a bit to much
No one saw him again

Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home?
He was more than a stranger
He wasn't just going home
He was trying to find the similes he lost
But the thing he didn't realise is what it would cost

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About This Story
11 Oct, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
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