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Last Words Reviews

10 reviews have given an average rating of 4 out of 5 Stars
GONE gave a rating of 3

this was good, but told many times in different versions. well what you added to it was good, it was very vague and very been there done that. i don't mean to offend you, this is just my opinion

SaharaJem gave a rating of 4

Good story line that could if been amazing but your language used was a bit simple. I'm not saying it's bad, just try and use different and interesting language to really have that meaningful effect of the story!

BookishForever23 gave a rating of 5

OMG!! I love this story!! its really good I like the description you used, felt like I was Sara And I felt like i was in the story! ^.^

Andy (Formerly Apemann) gave a rating of 3

This was an interesting story - until the unnecessary last line. For me, it completely killed the tension and drama of what had gone previously, which is a real shame. On the whole, though, an engaging submission.


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