Let Me Go

By Andraaknas

All day, every day,

My mind races and burns

With so many questions, so

Many thoughts, all of them

Negative or suicidal.

I constantly beg everyone,

Even without saying it directly,

To let me go, but nobody

Ever does, and why?

All I do is create more pain, and

The snow-filled skies of May

In Colorado make me feel like

Nature herself is against me and

The soil underneath my fat feet

Burns the skin and makes me

Look back at the razor blades and

Bottles of booze, all because of

The people who I thought loved me but

Obviously didn’t.

All I want people to do is

Let me go, if they’re not going

To offer help, if they’re not

Going to love me the way I

Need them to.

I don’t have a choice, I didn’t choose

The life I live now, and I know

The blood that's dripped from my

Arms were shed for nothing, the

Tears I’ve shed for HER mean nothing,

The constant aching of my heart, wanting

HER to love me back, has been for nothing.


The rope tied around my neck was built to

Keep me alive, and now that it’s old and brittle,

All I want is for the people who still hold onto me



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