Living hell prt 2

By Deadinside

Feb 6
People are so worridabout saftey here
Stuff like you cant walk in the halls without a semi or teacher (semis can see alittle so they help us out)

Cant they understand? What good is safty if your dead inside?

Feb 7
I got out of learning sigh language today because i needed to go eskort a new deaf person bekause i could hear a bit
Unluckly, she could talk and kept asking me questions,and,worst of all, i had to reply in sighn language
Lilly (her) your deaf and blind?how do you stand it?!
Me i dont
Lilly how did it happen
Me i know not
Lilly wait.. Then hour our you hearing me
Me hear aid
Lilly ahh i want one!

That was basicly the end of our convesation.

Feb 8
Me and lilly became best friends. I became her ears, she became my eyes. Together, we were one. To be continued

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