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Lu (Part Four) Reviews

3 reviews have given an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 Stars
melissak gave a rating of 4

Sir Ayren seems like one of those people I read in mangas who are crooks. I'm not sure if he just seems that way or if he's actually a crook. I'm very interested in the boy with green eyes. I can already imagine the boy without a description. Also, did you mean: "a white woman with sleeves" instead of "a with woman with sleeves"

Thomas Ray
Thomas Ray Where does it say that?
Author -
melissak When Lu enters the kitchen. give me a sec and I'll get the paragraph.
Reviewer -
melissak looks to be paragraph 31 sentence 4
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Optimism101 gave a rating of 5

Another nice part to another nice series, can't wait for the next bit!

Skylar gave a rating of 5

Well, Henna is weird, and Sir Ayren seems kinda fishy, but I'm sure there's more on that later.

Thomas Ray
Thomas Ray Hah! Nobody knows the half of it.
Author -
Skylar But I wanna know...
Reviewer -

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