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Memories Reviews

2 reviews have given an average rating of 5 out of 5 Stars
gave a rating of 5

Id be back at square one with diapers, BLEGHW..

Rora gave a rating of 5

I like this poem a lot and I completely agree with you. This is why we always need to try our best to make good memories with others. The things we do will leave lasting impressions/memories on others. If we hurt someone or are rude to someone they are always going to remember that. If you betray someone's trust or lie to them and they figure it out, it is going to be hard to gain their trust back. This is why we should always try to be kind to others especially our beloved friends and family, the ones who love you and will always care for you. I like this poem a lot. If I one day woke up not knowing who I was I would probably just be straight-up scared.

Amber Jones
Amber Jones I absolutely agree
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Rora and I agree with you agreeing with me lol
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Amber Jones
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