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Moods- Part 5
Moods- Part 5

Moods- Part 5

1 Review

Ezekial's pov.

The day has been pretty normal aside from Ailee following me around like a puppy. I didn't really mind taking her to our classes and showing her around the school, but her irritating questions and comments have pushed me far from my comfort zone. Luckily we are heading to the cafeteria, so I can finally take a break from her.

I head to my table and find that Sage, Finn, and Leon are already seated and talking together. I walk over to the table and sit down next to Finn.

"Hi babe." I say. He turns to me and smiles that perfect smile. His light blue eyes are full of joy and his dark blonde hair lies just above them.

"Hey Zekey!" He says happily.

When I see Ailee sit down on the other side of me I glare at her. She smiles back then turns to the others.

"Hello guys, I'm Ailee." She tells them.

Sage introduces herself and gives Ailee a polite smile. Finn gladly goes next, followed by Leon. But Leon speaks softly, so even though everyone at our table was quiet, the rest of the cafeteria's noise drowns out his voice. Ailee says it was nice to meet them and that she hopes they can be friends. Finn and Sage say that they'd love to be her friends, and I'm pretty sure Leo agrees although I can barely hear him. We start eating lunch and they start talking about classes and how Ailee's first day had been so far.

Eventually lunch ends and they decide to meet up after school. I had planned to go home after school but when it looked like Finn might cry, I reluctantly agree to meet them at the front of the school. Immediately Finn's face brightens and I can't help but chuckle at how ridiculous he is. We then walk out of the cafeteria and go our seperate ways, Finn and Leon heading to their Science class together, Sage going to her math class, and I head to english, Ailee trailing behind me.

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9 Jun, 2021
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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