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My Fault Reviews

9 reviews have given an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 Stars
Andy (Formerly Apemann) gave a rating of 2

Another tiresome 'teen death' story that has been told a thousand times before on this site alone. Okay, this one is slightly above the average, but it doesn't detract from that fact that it is another entry in an over-subscribed genre.

What is so frustrating is that you are better than this. Your talents could - and should - be turned towards writing more interesting and entertaining stories than this sort of thing. Allow your mind to expand and believe in yourself and you will be a very good writer. This nonsense brings you no credit and does not do your talents justice.

WritingFeel sometimes you just can't... you can't be better because you are stuck in a rut where you cannot move. Because as soon as you try again you get someone saying "another tiresome 'teen death' story that has been told a thousand times before" just because it's been told a thousand times before doesn't make any less important or serious. People feel this way and they give up on getting help because 'it's normal' and that is what leads people to this because if it's normal then they are made to feel that what they are feeling is not as serious as other problems and they should be better. I'm not calling anyone out or attacking anyone I'm just trying to explain how detrimental it is for someone's mental health to be told "this brings you no credit and does your talents no justice."
Hopeful gave a rating of 5

Stumbled upon your stories by chance, you have a real gift for words! I very much like how you draw out the moments to give the full impact; thanks for sharing your gifts!

NobodyImportant Thank you. I really appreciate the feedback.
Author -
Kat gave a rating of 5

Holy life of depression. Wow. That broke my soul. 🤧 Wow.


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