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My Journey With Ulcerative Colitis
My Journey With Ulcerative Colitis

My Journey With Ulcerative Colitis

3 Reviews

At the age of 14, I was diagnosed with Ulcertive Colitis in November of 2020. I was having really bad stomach pain for almost a year now. I was aslo bleeding internally. I didn't think much of it at first. The pain was getting worse, and so did the bleeding.

I called my aunt one day and told her what was going on. I went to the doctor later that day. The doctor told me that it was just a stomach ulcer caused by anxiety. I was only 12 years old, I didn't really know much.

One year later, I was watching television. My stomach started to hurt really bad. I was screaming in pain. I took a tylenol to try and ease the pain. It didn't help.mmy grandmothertook me to the Emergency room. I was so tired. It was 12:00 in the morning, I didn't know what to think. We were in the hospital until 3:30. The nurse told us that it was just a kidney stone. She helped me pass it. I felt so much bettter after.

Two weeks later, the pain returned. My aunt decided to bring me to the children's hospital. Me and The doctor talked for about and hour and a half. He wanted to run some tests. I was going to get a colonoscopy that following week.

I was really grumpy. I couldn't eat anything the day before the test. I was told to arrive at The children's hospital at 5:00 in the morning. My aunt and I left the house at 3:00 in the morning. We arrived at the hospital at 4:45 a.m. I walked into the hospital and recieved my armband. I was brought to my room. I put the hospital gown on. My gastroanterologist walked into the room. He explained everything. After he walked out of the room, I went back to sleep. The anesthesiologist came in shortly after. He told me that they were putting me under anesthesia. 30 minutes later, the nurses rolled me into the procedure room. The doctor gave me laughing gas for a few minutes. After that they put an oxygen tube in my nose and stuck IV's in my arms.A few minutes later I fell asleep. I woke up 30 minutes later in the recovery room, The nurse removed the oxygen tube and the IV's. They had given me some gatorade because I was dehydrated. I had a small sharp pain in the left side of my stomach. My gastroanterologist went and told my aunt that I was awake and in the recovery room. My aunt came in and sat down beside me. I was told that I had a disease called Ulcertive Colitis. It is an ulcer in your colon. I have very bad flare ups from time to time. The ulcer can spread and create cancer. I could also get an Ostomy, Which is a surgery to remove half of my intestines,

I am very happy I know what it is now. I have been in the hospital 11 times in one year. I have passed out twice because I have lost so much blood.

I have made some changes to my life. I have to avoid certain foods and watch my stress levels.I will be in remission in January! Having UC is hard. I am 14 and I have a cancerous ulcer on my colon. It is very scary. I still have flare ups. This is a big deal. I could die from this. I hope to get better soon.

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15 Dec, 2020
Read Time
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