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Nanna - My Lady of sunlight - I miss you.
Nanna - My Lady of sunlight - I miss you.

Nanna - My Lady of sunlight - I miss you.

1 Review

I never knew that she had vanished within herself,

that fear had become her master;

My lady of sunlight suffering so to be gracious, not to reveal her pain.

I didn’t see the flashes of red and blue,

as they slipped through the petal-less flowers,

or midnight sky dressed in formal attire.

I didn’t hear the moon riding on

a wet black horse; I could not believe it to be true,

so cold.

When the music flattened

to a single deadline, everyone swayed,

held in by the sounds of exodus;

because in that second, though we

could not bear to hold you, was the entrance to the afterlife

opened; everlasting sunshine where you now reside.

When the music flattened,

I didn’t hear the moon riding

with the flashes of red and blue.

No-one told me, but somehow I knew.

I wish that I could have said that I love you, once last time.

Author Notes: I'm not the best writer, nor am I seeking critical reflection; I needed to send something about her out into the world.
The use of the word -Exodus- is symbolic of the piece of her that left all the people that she encountered; she was so loving.

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About This Story
22 Oct, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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