A Nightmares Feast

By Aaron Ponce

Why is the night so young and the nightmares have already come.

My dreams appear to be reality.

But my reality is not a dream to be dreamt .

For my dreams are frightening.

Nightmares of a horrific reality.

The night creeps.

The fog awakes from its sleep.

You wonder why god?

As the fog gets thicker and deep.

You refrain from sleep.

Your eyes wide.

As you stare at the sky.

The Emptiness inside that you keep.

Yells and screams as you refrain from the thoughts you reap.

It’s fine you think.

You look down your wrist cut deep.

Bleeding and bleeding.

You’re tired.

Should you sleep?

Give up you think.

Saying goodbye, you lay down and sink.

Closing your eyes.

You’re at peace.

You can finally think.

As you lay down and can finally sleep.

Rest Please you’re sleeping deep

You can never awake.

But yet you still feel The emptiness as it creeps.

The darkness has finally consumed you as part of its feast.

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