
By ashlee1993

I look in the mirror.
Its like im looking at someone else.
I don't see me.
I see pain in her smile,
tears in her eyes,
sorrow in her voice.
She's scared.
She's been through alot.
More than she can handle.
She's gonna snap.
It's a struggle everyday for her to just hold it together.
Most people don't see behind her mask,
but I can see right through it.
She's hurt.
Anger eats her from inside.
She feels alone.
Fighting to deal with everything on her own.
She's afraid to ask for help,
because asking for help shows a sign of weakness.
Never does she wanna seem weak.
It's not in her blood.
She puts on a tough girl act and makes it like shes okay,
but in all reality she's completely broken.
She's dying inside for someone to answer her calls.
She's dying for someone, anyone to care.

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