
By Annielol399

Do I have to say it again?

Do I have to remind everyone how I feel?

I’m sure they know

I’m sure you do too

No one cares

Too many times I’ve repeated the same sob story..

It gets old

It becomes useless

My pain doesn’t matter anymore

It doesn’t affect others

It never has

How can I help others when I can’t even help myself?

Why do I always forget how I feel to help someone else with the same feeling?

Why am I the one who’s always running to help someone else?

The only reason they carry me around is to help them..

This isn’t a poem..

This isn’t a story..

It’s the truth!

This is real life!

This isn’t something I can wish to go away and it’ll be gone!

This is just life

Mommy can’t rock you back and forth

She can’t make this pain fade

It stays

It remains

It eats me alive each and everyday

I’ve had my plea for help

That plea has now expired

This is it

This is the end

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