
By boomman17

-So far so good, no more negativity;
My motto is life = creativity.
-Speaking of that, everyone loves my charisma;
Just as much as they love the 21’st Enigma.
-Despite what the haters say;
Ima keep doing this my way.
-I don’t care if people judge me;
They’ll soon learn they can’t hide from destiny.
-Don’t get me wrong, my rhymes are real hot;
But in this game called life, we only got one shot.
-So don’t waist it on something stupid;
Do what’s right, don’t make life real horrid.
-One more shot and then I’m over & out;
Gonna show the nonbelievers what I’m talkin about.
-One more shot and then I’m under & gone;
Gonna show the nonbelievers they are nothing but wrong.
-One life’s all you got, don’t mess it up;
‘Cause before you know it, your time’s up.
-If you play it wrong, you’ll end up dead;
& that’s your fault ‘cause you can’t be resurrected.

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