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Right Time Reviews

3 reviews have given an average rating of 3.7 out of 5 Stars
BookishForever23 gave a rating of 5

Great story! This story brought my heart out!

Nesh Thank you BookishForever23 (:
Author -
Auron gave a rating of 4

I for one enjoy this story greatly! It is heartwarming, yet sad. Great job!

Nesh Thank you Auron (:
Author -
Andy (Formerly Apemann) gave a rating of 2

I'm not really sure what it was you were trying to do with this story. It appears to start in one direction then veer off in to another without any sort of sense or reason.

I get the impression that you had an idea for a story, but have not been able to execute it as well as you'd hoped. It's all a little confused. Any story should have the basic structure of beginning, middle and end. This sort-of starts, gets somewhat confused and ends. Overall it is disappointing.

Nesh Thanks for your review. But I guess you don't get the grasp of short stories. They are meant to be non-detail, yet implicitly describe an incident or emotion. It just have to be related.
Author -
Andy (Formerly Apemann)
Andy (Formerly Apemann) Clearly you have not read any of my SHORT stories...
Reviewer -
Nesh It is not necessary to read yours!
Author -
Andy (Formerly Apemann)
Andy (Formerly Apemann) When you INSULT me by suggesting I don't grasp the idea of short stories, then it IS necessary! You need to learn some manners and respect!
Reviewer -

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