A Stroll

By Wistaria

I want to know more about you,

what made the you now,

the you now, who can smile so brightly.

I want to know about you more,

what made the you now,

the you now, who can laugh so melodiously.

Let me take a stroll,

around the brightest place in your past.

I want to understand more about you,

what made the you now,

the you now, who can still smile through the pain.

I want to understand more about you,

what made the you now,

the you now, who only cries when it rains.

Please let me take a stroll,

around the darkest place in your past.

Know that the you in the past,

no matter how painful it is,

the you now that I am with,

no matter how short the time is,

is the you,

who I longed for in the past,

who I need now,

who I will stay with for now and forever.

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