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The Confession Dial Reviews

4 reviews have given an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Rora gave a rating of 5

Nice story Misty, then again all you stories are really good!

Durandal gave a rating of 5

I really liked it, I can't wait for more(though you already told me about a lot of it)

Dari Poulson gave a rating of 4

I like that Sarah talks to the spere like she knows it isn't just an object. Also, I love your cliffhanger. Your gonna kill me.

Thomas Ray gave a rating of 4

To start, I really liked this! It was, and is, a really good draft. I only have a few questions, and I hope they don't come across as overly critical.
How close is Sarah to her grandfather? If they're really close, which is the idea I got, then why did he give her the sphere? He knew there were dangerous people after it, so why did he give it to her. Similarly, I feel like Sarah should be mourning her grandfather more strongly if they were really close. The sphere should make her think of her late grandparent.
Did she see her dead grandfather?
The sphere seemed to have a personality, at least to me, and I think it could be really fun if it was a little more characterized. Seriously, I liked the sphere a lot. A little more development to the characters would be beautiful, and would make grandfather's death all the more tragic, which I would like. Maybe more time to meet the characters? For a draft the characters were really good, though.
Keep going? I would read more of this. Sorry if any of that was blunt or offensive, it's a little hard to convey any idea of tone or emotion through the computer. I did really like this, and it would be really fun to read an edited version of it.

Amber Jones
Amber Jones I'm hoping that when I edit it I can convey a sense of closeness between Sarah and her Grandpa that I didn't before, but I do agree with you. Having more of an introduction to the characters draws the readers in for more of a effectively tragic death, which is a rather good element in a story, in my opinion. As far as the sphere goes, I hadn't really thought of characterizing it. Mostly because that was an accident and partly because taking Sarah's personality into account it seemed natural for her to respond to the sphere like that. But I like the idea. Thanks!
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