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The Day When Love Was Born
The Day When Love Was Born

The Day When Love Was Born

FatherSmithFather Lawrence C. Smith

The Day When Love Was Born

Resurrexit! Alleluia! Sicut Dixit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen!

The stone is rolled aside yet mountains
still are silent, deaf and dumb remain,
continue thirsting 'tho' the fountains
of the heavens shower Joy like rain.

So beautiful the birdsong singing
gratitude amidst the blue for green,
and yet for all the gladness ringing
none has wonder'd what these Tidings mean.

Alike the branches feel the breezes
stirring willow leaves to weep content,
as seashore sand the floodtide pleases
depth and strand in mystery be blent.

Where wends the wind or flows the water
wise men will not try but fools declare,
like clay might fain correct its potter
or the night with noon betrothal share.

Duration neither brief nor lengthened
claims familiarity with time,
and incredulity is strengthened
not by repetition of Cain's crime.

Had he his way creation's tyrant
would by reason Virtue prove the knave,
reveal that Faith and Hope defiant
nonetheless can not deny the grave.

Alas for fiends intent on folly
dancing where no Angel dares to trod --
here Heaven has returned hell's volley
and the final laugh belongs to God!

Omnipotence is not impeded
by a creature ignorant and proud,
for nothing never has succeeded
being more than fog or shade or cloud.

And so the Blessed shout rejoicing
Alleluia! Praise the Lord on High!
And with Hosanna! ever voicing
enter Life that nevermore will die! Amen!

27 March 2018: Holy Tuesday
Saint John Damascene, Confessor and Doctor
The Abbey Resort, Fontana, Wisconsin

Author Notes: Happy Easter!

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About The Author
Father Lawrence C. Smith
About This Story
31 Mar, 2018
Read Time
1 min
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