The Earth Opens Like a Book

By supernova

The Earth opens like a book,

each page a new flavour.

A new spice,

a new sour,

a new sweet.

Each page a peeping-hole

into a life I’ll never know.

I’ll read it from afar,

perhaps it’ll scar,

but I’ll never

feel it’s weight.

A new word I’ll see,

a word which meant a

million to thee.

But to me,

a simple word.

Perhaps I’ll

search the earth

to make it link,

find new ways to

make me think,

about the meaning

of this word,

but all I’ll find is

a definition of a


The Earth opens like

a mystery book;

you’ll never know

what you’ll find.

A pearl that once shone,

was now found and

stood so profound.

Children that whined,

people that spellbound,

and places that define,

who we truly are.

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